How to create a new Neolace Site

DescriptionThis guide explains how to create a new Site in Neolace.

How to create a new site


You can create a new site using our cloud hosting on, and it can be accessible from either or from Please email our team at to get started.

On your own Neolace Realm

If you have your own Neolace Realm (installation), such as a local development environment, you can use the neolace-admin script to create a new site. (We'll be adding a nice UI for managing sites in the future.)

First, you'll need to have neolace-admin.ts installed and working.

Then, create a new text file called e.g. my-site.yaml, and paste this template:

name: My New Site
description: My new site has useful knowledge that I share with my team.
# Access Mode
#   pubcont: anyone can read all entries and propose edits (default)
#   public: public, but only authorized users can make or propose edits
#   private: only authorized users can see the site at all
accessMode: pubcont
homePageContent: |
  # My new site

  Welcome to my new site. This is the home page.
footerContent: |
  © Copyright 2023 My Company Inc.
    # You can customize some colors using a triple of [Red, Green, Blue] where each value goes from 0-255
    headingColor: [30, 41, 59]
    linkColor: [30, 64, 175]
    # This will enable the search plugin, though it won't fully work until you (re)build the index.
    search: {}
    # When user's hover over a link, show a preview of the link in a popup/tooltip:
      enabled: true

Edit the configuration above to define the details of the new site that you want to create.

Now, you will need to think of a "key" (a short, string identifier) for your site. This is usually not visible to users, but is used in the API and for all administration commands like this. It cannot be changed later, so make sure to use something clear and simple. In the example below, we'll use my-site as the site key.

/path/to/neolace-admin.ts import-site-config my-site my-site.yaml --create

If you need to update the site's configuration at any time, simply run the same command again without the --create.